
Corporate Tax Filing

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Here are some of the Corporate Tax Filing services provided by us. 

For Sole Ownership

Note that for sole ownership, you have to file form 1040 with pricing-C. And as the name suggests, a single ownership is a business owned by a single person. As the sole owner of the business, you are responsible for conducting the full business operations. Quite impressively, unlike other legal entities, the sole ownership business model needs less paperwork. Also, it faces a limited amount of restrictions along with regulations. Due to these features, a sole ownership business model is easy to set up and involves minimal cost. As a sole owner of the business, you just have to obtain local licenses along with business registration. 

For Partnership Businesses

Always remember that if you have a business in collaboration with others, you have to file Form-1065. You also have to provide pricing K-1 to your partners. In usual terms, a partnership is the relationship between two or more persons who wish to conduct business operations. It is worthwhile to note that a partnership-modeled business doesn’t have to pay taxes on its profits. But it has to declare its operating losses and profits to the IRS in Form-1065. As a partnership business, you also need to provide form K1 to the owners which states losses and profit to each of the partner involved in the business setup. With the help of these forms, all the partners can be aware of the amount of money they owe to the IRS. 

For Corporations

For corporations you have to file Form-1120. Corporations offer limited liability protection to the shareholders and directors. It is important to mention that corporations are different taxpayers for the purpose of federal income tax. As a corporation, you need to file your own federal income tax return. 

For S Corporations

For S Corporation, form-1120S is of great relevance. These are corporations that are elected to pass income, losses, profits, etc., to the shareholders. They report their income flow via their personal tax returns. This is also the reason that S corporations have the added advantage of avoiding double taxation.

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